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Ayumi's current task:
making a res. while awake audio

Ayumi's Star Haven

welcome to my diary where i note
all important events during
my journey ʚ ♡ ɞ

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Youtube: Ayumi's Star Haven

@Ayumi read about my journey here!

@Ayumi's recent results

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"love to watch all the stars when they align" - yangyang 11:11pm

My Method: Void State Method
1. (This method works better on days where you're able to sleep in such as on the weekend.) In the morning once you wake up, try your best to keep your eyes open while you're resting in bed, and mentally set an intention to res. to your dr once you are in the void state. During this time I also like to mentally prepare identity affirmations related to my dr that i will say once im in the void state. Ex: I am my dr self(insert name). I am (insert age) years old. etc. Do this for 5 minutes or so.
2. Now, close your eyes. You can lay on your back, or your stomach, whichever sleep position you wish. You want to breathe in and out deeply and feel with each time you exhale, your body sinking into your bed deeper and deeper. At the same time, put your focus on your breathing and the darkness of your eyelids. Try your best to have a clear mind, but if its too hard to do so, you can have a specific word that you can repeat once every time you exhale.
3. Symptoms that might develop from my experience before entering the void state is feeling like your awareness of reality is fading in and out. Though its different for everyone, you should enter the void after 10-15 minutes or so. You will know you're in the void. It will feel like complete darkness all around you, and you will immediately feel like you're floating or falling in empty space and you're completely detached and unaware of your body and surroundings. The only thing you will be aware of is your mind. Your thoughts might be more slower, and you will feel more calm and at peace. To res. in the void state, calmly start to affirm your desired affirmations, visualize, feel your dr..etc. You might start to feel the sensation of being in a rocket ship, moving very fast, and "landing" in your dr.

"Starlight, Starlight with you shining in my mind - Yeojin" 11:11pm

Results 03/15/22
@Ayumi The weirdest thing happened while I was meditating. I wasn't trying to res. to my dr, I didn't visualize, didn't affirm, nothing at all. I felt very floaty and I could not feel my physical body, or see anything, so maybe I was in a void state? My eyes opened automatically and I was standing in front of my dr friend. I said their name out loud and they smiled and gave me a huge hug and WOULD. NOT. LET. GO. lol. So we "penguin walked" to the living room where all my other friends were sitting and talking, and at that moment I was searching for my dr bf when suddenly it felt like I was fading from existence and I opened my eyes and I was back here. It was the weirdest experience i've ever had. I can't exactly say what happened, but i'm going to say it may have been a lucid dream bc I was fully conscious while everything was happening but i'm not 100% sure if I was actually there fully or not. I think I finally found the method that works for me!!
Results 06/01/22
@Ayumi I'm finally getting results again after a long time. So far i've been having lots of visions and signs of my dr and even mini shifted today. In my shift, I was laying down in the grass in a beautiful flower field with my bf listening to some classical music and we were talking, laughing, and having a good time. we took some pictures together, and the entire time I was thinking to myself about me and my bf and how nice it could be to live life like this together forever. It was such a peaceful and relaxing moment for me that I cant wait to experience again someday.
Results 08/15
@Ayumi I entered the void state after two nights of listening to my void state sub! As I was in this state, I focused on affirming identity affirmations related to consciousness and my dr: ex:(I have res. to my dr, I am consciously aware of my dr, I am pure consciousness in my dr..) I tried my best to stay calm, with steady breathing and just going with the flow and accepting what was happening in the moment but not reacting to it fully. While affirming, I felt my surroundings around me change, and felt myself falling in and out of reality and then everything went black. I opened my eyes and noticed I was laying in bed with my bf! The first thing I remember thinking to myself was, "This place is real! I have to tell people!" Mind you, its in the middle of the night when all of this is happening, so as much as I was excited, I was still very tired/dizzy and I literally could not keep my eyes open anymore at that moment. As my eyes were closing, I remember being upset and disappointed because I thought I was going to wake up in my OR, but I happily woke up still in my DR! That was what confirmed it for me that I was really there. This time I finally had the energy to get out of bed, walked around the house a bit, talked to my friends, and other things happened more personal, but overall I stayed in my dr for an hour or so which was the longest I have ever been in my dr. Although this was not my first time shifting to my dr, this was the newest results I've gotten in awhile so this little moment gave me back the realization and motivation that this place is indeed real and to not give up!
Desired Realities:
Twisted Wonderland, Kpop Idol, Kpop School, Haikyuu, Royalty, Attack on Titan, Punishing Gray Raven, Ensemble Stars, Tears of Themis, BNHA, Dream Life